Actualités Hi-Fi

Top Vinyl Turntables: Which One to Choose in 2024?

Vinyl turntables at Qobuz? They’ve lost their minds! We know that as a music lover, you’re liable to have a collection of vinyl records that you wouldn’t part with for anything in the world. They complement your Qobuz subscription. But maybe your old turntable has given up on you, or you’ve worn it out and it’s time for a replacement. Here’s our selection of the ten best models of the moment.

Vinyl technology never evolved much. However, manufacturers have invested a lot of effort into their turntables’ design and components. The quality is evident straight away, even starting from the bottom of the low-end. The chassis are rigid, the arms are lighter and the cartridges are carefully selected. There’s no longer any need to go hunting for rickety old turntables at garage sales.

Price, often the main criterion, aside, a turntable should be chosen on the basis of its design quality, which ensures better results. Sometimes, an extremely simple design requiring manual operation shows that the manufacturer has not gotten caught up in the ancillary functions, which is a good clue for performance.

For the more passionate, many turntables are upgradeable. The default cartridge can be switched to a higher-end one on most models. With others, the external power supply can be changed, as well as the arm, which is vitally important.

Then there’s the question of the phono preamplifier. The RCA audio output of a turntable must be connected to a phono input on the integrated amplifier, along with a small earth wire. In this case, the phono preamp, also known as the RIAA, is located in the integrated amplifier.

Increasingly, manufacturers are integrating this RIAA preamp directly into their turntables. The turntable’s RCA output is then at line level, and can be connected to any audio input. Connecting such a turntable to active speakers, wireless speakers, a sound bar, etc. becomes much easier.

1. Denon DP-29F

Denon has a solid reputation in the vinyl world. For example, they created the famous DL-103 cartridge, adored by specialists and produced for sixty years. However, it’s not included in the this DP-29F turntable, as that cartridge costs three times the price of this model itself.

This model provides affordable access to the world of vinyl, in the most compact format available, just slightly larger than an album cover. It features automatic operation and an integrated RIAA preamp.

The Denon DP-29F is the beginner’s turntable. It has all the necessary refinements, so you won’t need to worry about anything. It can be simply connected to any system, pair of powered speakers, or wireless speaker.

2. TEAC TN-180BT-A3

TEAC possède un catalogue de platines vinyle très fourni. La TN-180BT-A3 est l’une des plus accessibles. Son lourd châssis en MDF, disponible dans trois coloris, ajoute de la stabilité à l’ensemble.

Cette platine fonctionne de façon semi-automatique : il faut poser le bras mais celui-ci revient tout seul à la fin du disque. Grâce au Bluetooth intégré, le son des vinyles est transmis sans fil vers une chaîne, une enceinte connectée ou un casque.

La TEAC TN-180BT-A3 possède toutes les fonctions que l’on attend d’une platine vinyle sans rien avoir à ajouter. La connexion sans fil facilite encore plus son installation puisqu’elle pourra être mise en valeur loin des enceintes si on le souhaite.

3. Sony PS-LX310BT

With the PS-LX310BT, Sony makes vinyl easy to use and compatible with modern Hi-Fi systems. This elegant turntable remains discreet with its neutral style and black colour. The interior is just as refined, featuring a black aluminium tonearm.

The belt-driven platter is also made of aluminium to resist unwanted vibrations. The RCA cable is fixed to the turntable, and the adapter for 45 RPM records is stored in a dedicated slot beneath the chassis.

The Sony PS-LX310BT embodies what one would expect from a major audio equipment manufacturer. It is a fully automatic turntable with impeccable finish, plus the added convenience of Bluetooth for wireless sound transmission to speakers.

4. Pro-Ject Vertical E

You may have already seen this very original vertical turntable in a store or in the pages of a design magazine. It’s a creation by Pro-Ject, a globally renowned and respected manufacturer in the vinyl world, offering products ranging from entry-level to high-end.

This turntable falls into the category of high-fidelity models without any automation, offering a raw aesthetic and fully manual operation. This considered, it has a record clamp essential for holding the record in place during vertical playback.

The Pro-Ject Vertical E is an eye-catching turntable available in white, black, or red, and can be placed on a surface or mounted on the wall. In any setup, the vinyl record takes centre stage. It comes equipped with an excellent cartridge from Ortofon.

5. Triangle Lunar 1

To complement its range of active and connected speakers, Triangle offers a turntable that can be connected to a phono input. The Lunar 1 model is fully manual, allowing users to fully immerse themselves in the analog vinyl experience.

Manufactured in collaboration with Pro-Ject, a specialist in the field, the Lunar 1 features a heavy MDF chassis. It is available in five colours, perfectly matching certain Triangle speaker lines.

The Triangle Lunar 1 allows for a cohesive aesthetic when paired with Triangle speakers of the same colour. No other manufacturer offers such a complete matching option. Additionally, this turntable is equipped with the best components available in its price range.

6. Elipson Chroma 400

The French brand Elipson is present in all Hi-Fi niches, including vinyl, with different levels of product ranges. The Chroma 400 turntable features a lacquered chassis with rounded edges, making it stand out from the competition.

The design is more advanced than lower-end models, with a decoupled silent motor. The electronic boards have been optimised, while the carbon tonearm houses a cartridge made by Ortofon.

The Elipson Chroma 400 opens the door to optimised turntables, offering quality levels above the lower-end models. Additionally, you get an original style, French design, and five finishes to choose from.

7. Rega Planar P2

On monte d’un cran avec la Planar P2 du spécialiste anglais Rega qui fabrique des platines depuis près de cinquante ans. La P2 a reçu les honneurs de la presse internationale car elle représente le meilleur compromis dans sa gamme de prix.

Cette platine est entièrement manuelle. Elle repose sur un châssis inerte en acrylique posé sur des pieds amortissants et associé à un lourd plateau en verre poli du plus bel effet. Le bras en aluminium anti-résonnant se termine par une cellule Carbon fabriquée également par Rega.

La Rega Planar P2 donne un bon aperçu de ce que l’on peut extraire d’un disque vinyle grâce à des techniques éprouvées et à des matériaux maîtrisés. Pour en tirer le meilleur, la P2 rejoindra un système haute-fidélité déjà bien optimisé.

8. Thorens TD 102 A

Step into the world of premium vinyl with the highly regarded German manufacturer Thorens. The TD 102 A is a mid-range model that honours vinyl records. Its thick chassis rests on shock-absorbing feet and is available in a lacquered black finish or walnut veneer.

This is an automatic belt-driven model with a tonearm combining carbon and aluminium. Thorens has selected a reputable Audio-Technica cartridge that can be replaced. Despite its Hi-Fi positioning, the brand has catered to a broad audience by including a RIAA preamp.

Behind its traditional walnut finish, the Thorens TD 102 A is a thoroughly modern turntable. It’s automatic to make life easier and includes a phono preamp, allowing it to be connected to any system.

9. Technics SL-1500C

The SL-1500C is the Hi-Fi version of the famous SL-1200 turntable used by DJs for decades. It retains the chassis and aesthetics but eliminates unnecessary speed adjustments for home listening, giving it a premium touch.

No belt here; instead, it features a direct-drive motor that nearly eliminates any risk of speed fluctuation. The chassis is robust, making it the heaviest model in our selection. Technics hasn’t forgotten the RIAA preamp for universal use.

This selection wouldn’t be complete without a legendary Technics model. With its iconic design adapted for high-fidelity use, the SL-1500C plays your records with the utmost respect. The Ortofon cartridge can be upgraded to even more advanced models.

10. Victrola Stream Carbon

With the Stream Carbon, Victrola offers the turntable of the future. It’s the first to feature Wi-Fi, allowing it to transmit sound from records to Sonos wireless speakers thanks to its Works with Sonos certification.

But above all, it’s a high-performance turntable with an MDF chassis, an aluminium platter, and a carbon fibre tonearm. It comes with a renowned Ortofon 2M Red cartridge. The front potentiometer allows direct control of the Sonos speaker volume!

The Victrola Stream Carbon succeeds in blending connected music with physical media. The two coexist intelligently, as the vinyl starts playing on the Victrola turntable and is transmitted to all Sonos speakers in the home.